Curabitur accumsan mollis pellentesque. Donec sodales eget urna et porta. Ut ultricies odio lorem, sed venenatis quam pellentesque id. Aenean mattis id ipsum nec tempus. Donec eget arcu ut sem dictum bibendum at sit amet nisl. Ut nec pharetra magna, quis tincidunt leo. Ut dui quam, cursus non maximus at, porttitor id mauris. Donec bibendum, magna sed mollis tincidunt, arcu tortor scelerisque metus, eu semper lacus mi at arcu. Nunc ut eros nunc. Aenean sed erat sit amet purus porttitor volutpat. Donec eu sagittis nibh. Sed tincidunt nec enim ac cursus. Nulla gravida venenatis augue et dictum.

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Nunc et lectus facilisis, tempor sem eget, posuere magna. Maecenas sit amet orci vel massa tincidunt pulvinar. Nunc felis quam, posuere ut rhoncus aliquet, maximus ac eros. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Duis vitae scelerisque odio. Cras molestie lacus at mauris mollis placerat quis in erat. Donec molestie felis ante, id convallis leo congue sed. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris lobortis urna non nunc auctor congue. Integer accumsan tempor nisi, eget maximus urna pellentesque sed. Mauris fermentum dictum tellus vitae faucibus.

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  • One
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Etiam sit amet venenatis purus, non euismod justo. Pellentesque auctor tortor nec ante tristique iaculis. Proin ut leo tempus nulla sollicitudin accumsan. Sed vestibulum ut turpis eget fermentum. Donec nec ligula est. Duis lobortis risus non sagittis bibendum. Cras massa enim, interdum a aliquet rhoncus, eleifend sit amet enim. Suspendisse ut turpis lorem.

An audio filter for the 21st Century

Eilex PRISM utilizes a VIR Filter, a revolutionary new audio filter that surpasses the limitations of FIR and IIR filters.

  • Far less computing power needed for the same filter resolution

  • Unequaled filter resolution in the bass range

  • Minimum-phase filter

  • Intelligent resource allocation — extremely flexible

  • High resolution support without reducing resolution

  • Minimum phase

A minimum phase filter is a specific type of audio filter that has the shortest possible group delay for its given magnitude response. In other words, it is designed to introduce the least amount of delay or phase distortion while still achieving the desired frequency response.

Minimum phase filters are important in audio processing because they help preserve the temporal relationships between different frequencies, maintaining the original waveform’s shape and reducing audible artifacts. They are often used in equalizers, crossovers, and other audio processing applications where maintaining signal integrity is crucial.

In a filter, the phase response represents how each frequency component of the input signal is delayed or advanced in time when passing through the filter. A minimum phase filter has a phase response that is directly related to its magnitude response, which means that the phase distortion is minimized while still achieving the desired changes in frequency response. This is important because it helps maintain the integrity of the original signal by preserving the temporal relationships between different frequencies.

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